The current state of affairs in Western and Chinese healthcare Frans Vandenbosch 方腾波 15.03.2024 It’s not the medications that make the difference. This article is not about Western pharmaceuticals versus traditional Chinese medicine. It is about the holistic approach to healthcar ...
  • 2024-03-15
In untangling the causal factors behind the many crises we face today, the trail of breadcrumbs always leads to the international banking cartel which appears to have the determining influence shaping the system of governance under which our societies operate. ...
  • 2024-03-03
Elections in China are somewhat different from what’s happening in the west. Frans Vandenbosch 方腾波 25.02.2024 When I explain to my audience about political parties and elections in China during my lectures, there are people who do not believe me or outright claim that I am lying. Ever ...
  • 2024-02-25
By David Wang (王首伟) 12.01.2024 The US alliance strategy and “de-sinization” policy, as well as the EU’s “de-risking” policy, will intensify the dualization of the international system, and even trigger earthquakes and turbulence in the process of structur ...
  • 2024-01-12
This year 2023, we have passed the tipping point Frans Vandenbosch 方腾波 27.12.2023 It’s over and done In a few days, the historical year 2023 will be over. This past year, significant changes have taken place, shining some light on what we have to expect in the coming time. ...
  • 2023-12-26
Chinese researchers have found a “second answer”.     Frans Vandenbosch 方腾波 02.12.2023 This is a republishing of an article, written by Ms. Jia Yuxuan (Research Associate at Center for China and Globalization – CCG) on 24.11.2023 about Professor Qin Hui&#821 ...
  • 2023-12-02
The centre of gravity of the world is now in China.      Frans Vandenbosch 方腾波 18.10.2023 Global economic and political power has shifted to China It’s all over and done. The shift is made, we’re over the tipping point. The “ ...
  • 2023-10-19