These are the websites, which I recommend as reliable:
1. News by my friends

Godfree Roberts
Godfree Roberts is a retired surgeon, author of many books. His newest bestseller “Why China Leads the World: Talent at the Top, Data in the Middle, Democracy at the Bottom” is at Amazon and other online bookshops. Godfree is also the author of the very interesting weekly newsletter “Here comes China“. He is writing articles at various web media, including at The UNZ Review.

Jeff J. Brown is the author of 44 Days (2013), China Rising, Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations and BIG Red Book on China (2020) (Author’s Page). Jeff is a contributing editor with the Greanville Post, he also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland and a co-founder of the Bioweapon Truth Commission and the curator of its Global Online Library (BWTC-GOL). Jeff grew up in Oklahoma, USA, much of it on a family farm. He moved back to China in 2010, seven years in Beijing and three in Shenzhen. Jeff is a dual national French American, being a member of the Communist Party of France (PCF).

Johnson Choi (Hawaii / San Francisco) This China-US forum is to debunk fake news propaganda by the Western Empire.

Martin Jacques is the author of the global best-seller When China Rules the World: the End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order, which was first published in 2009. It has since sold over 350,000 copies and been translated into fifteen languages.
Martin is a Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, and Fudan University, Shanghai. Until recently, he was a Senior Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies, Cambridge University, and was previously a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at IDEAS, a centre for diplomacy and grand strategy at the London School of Economics. He was also a Fellow of the Transatlantic Academy, Washington DC.

Andrei Raevsky. The European Saker in his own words: The European Saker falcon “I am a ‘legal alien’ currently living in the Imperial Homeland”. To support open debate Andrei is frequently posting articles that he partially or completely may differ with.
The Website went off-line in April 2024. Check the interesting articles at Internet Archive, the WayBackMachine

The Greanville Post (TGP) by Patrice Granville is an antidote to the prevailing brainwash afflicting most people in the United States and much of the Western World. The Greanville Post is an independent left, non-dogmatic publication dedicated to seeking the truth wherever it may be found. As genuine believers in democracy we have no use for the plutocratic farce that passes for democracy in the United States and many of its vassal states.

by Ron Unz. The UNZ Review is a collection of interesting, important, and controversial perspectives largely excluded from the American mainstream media. This small webzine is aiming to provide convenient access to at least a fraction of those non-mainstream voices and topics.

Wim Polet is a sinologist and went to China for the very first time in September 1984. China was only open for a short time after a strict ideological regime. Going to study in China was still very strange. A New World opened up. He continued to study at Nanjing University for one year. Later back in Belgium he founded together with Prof. Zhang Guoxian the China Academy op. In 1993 Wim became spokesman in Beijing of the Association for Education and Technical Assistance (VVOB). After his return, Wim wrote a collection of short stories “Deng Poes”. He continues to commute between Flanders and China on a regular basis and also becomes more involved in various Chinese-Flemish higher education projects. With Inkling he provides high-quality Intercultural China Communication Training for the Flemish business world. Meanwhile, Wim, now within Chinability© Master Classes, is a very passionate, and therefore often in demand, China speaker.

Doorstorming by Jaak Peeters is a website for critical, Dutch-conscious intellectual troublemakers.

Full Professor (Hoogleraar )RUG Ghent University, Vice-President NVAO.
Research Interests: Psycholinguistics – Bilingualism, Language Development & Working Memory, Education, Orientation and Selection Tests for Tertiary Education, Experimental Software & Equipment, Computational Modeling, Dyslexia, Aphasia, Idea Generation & Selection, Eyetracking in Applied Research.

Cynthia Chung and Matthew Ehret. The Rising Tide Foundation is a non-profit organisation based out of Montreal Canada dedicated to the enhancement of cross-cultural understanding and dialogue between east and west. RTF supports initiatives such as lectures, seminars, and multimedia productions that facilitate greater bridges between east and west while also providing a service that includes geopolitical analysis, research in the arts, philosophy, sciences and history.

Rumble is an online video platform headquartered in Florida, USA. It was founded in October of 2013 by Chris Pavlovski, a technology entrepreneur from Canada. Rumble promotes itself as being “immune to cancel culture.”

Der Arbeitskreis für Friedenspolitik wurde gegründet im Jahr 1982 anlässlich der millionenfachen Proteste gegen die geplante Aufstellung weiterer Atomraketen in der Bundesrepublik. als “Arbeitskreis für Friedenspolitik – atomwaffenfreies Europa e.V. (AKF)“ AKF will weiterhin im Sinne der Charta der Vereinten Nationen dazu beitragen, die Welt von der Geisel des Krieges zu befreien. AKF setzt sich insbesondere dafür ein, Art. 2 Abs. 4 der Charta zu achten und fordert von den Staatsvertretern, die Androhung und der Anwendung von Gewalt zu unterlassen und Krieg als Mittel der Politik auszuschließen. AKF arbeitet daran, kriegsfördernde Unwahrheiten aufzudecken. AKF ist bestrebt, dem Völkerrecht Geltung zu verschaffen.

Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research
TFF is an independent think tank, a global network that aims to bring about peace by peaceful means. It inspires a passion for peace from the grassroots to the corridors of power. TFF is an all-volunteer global network. It promotes conflict-mitigation and reconciliation in general, as well as in a more targeted way in a selected number of conflict regions – through meticulous on-the-ground research, active listening, education and advocacy. TFF is a global network with some 50 Associates with a diversity of background expertise.
The Foundation is committed to doing diagnosis and prognosis as well as proposing solutions. It does so in a clear, pro-peace manner. Jan Oberg is co-founder, director and editor of TFF’s homepage, The Transnational.

Gordon Dumoulin: In China there are 5 directions rather than just 4 ; north, south, east, west and centre. Center is the core direction in any aspect in Chinese society. Whether it concerns family, society, work or governance, Chinese people can eye and wander in any direction but centre remains the core magnet, keeping the basics and values running and alive.
5iZ was established in 2018 as a blog, service and consultancy platform incorporated in Dumoco in Tongzhou district, Beijing since 2010.
2. Official media websites:

The Global Times is a daily newspaper under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party’s flagship newspaper, the People’s Daily, commenting on international issues from a nationalistic perspective.

Since its launch in 1981, China Daily has grown to become the nation’s leading English-language newspaper. With a combined print, online and mobile readership of more than 350 million, it serves a vital role in telling the world about China, providing valuable insight into the world’s second-largest economy. Consequently, it is quoted more often by overseas media than any other Chinese publication.
Along with the flagship edition on Chinese mainland and Hong Kong Edition, China Daily publishes an International Edition – covering North and South America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific and Africa – and various digital platforms. With 35 provincial and municipal bureaus in China, 14 bureaus and 33 printing centres overseas, China Daily reports news throughout China and the globe., a leading national website, is China’s most influential English-language multimedia platform. More than 36 million readers from 180 countries have downloaded the China Daily app, and its PV reaches 52 million.

Caixin Media (Cáixīn Chuánméi 财新传媒; News Fortune) is a Chinese private media group based in Beijing, famous for its deep investigative journalism.

RT (formerly Russia Today) is a Russian international television network funded in 2005. It operates television, news and free-to-air channels directed to audiences outside of Russia, as well as providing Internet content in Russian, English, Spanish, French and German.
The news website of RT is blocked in most western countries, and therefore only accessible with a VPN.