The medical device industry in Europe is in big trouble. They have lost the technology and competitiveness war with the Chinese medical industry. ...
  • 2024-06-21
Two decades after “The Bell Curve”, it is becoming abundantly clear that the gap has become unbridgeable. This will inevitably have major consequences for developments in world politics in the coming decades. ...
  • 2024-06-13
The tyranny of the Geniusses. The Rule of the five percent Written by Godfree Roberts. 22.05.2024 … In What if we Lost our Smartest 5%? Matthew Archer suggests that we would struggle to maintain our quality of life without our scientists, mathematicians and engine ...
  • 2024-05-22
Europe, especially the EU, now faces a choice. After the EU lost Russia with devastating damage to the EU economy, the choice must now be made between continuing to follow the US or working with China. ...
  • 2024-05-11
The current state of affairs in Western and Chinese healthcare Frans Vandenbosch 方腾波 15.03.2024 It’s not the medications that make the difference. This article is not about Western pharmaceuticals versus traditional Chinese medicine. It is about the holistic approach to healthcar ...
  • 2024-03-15
In untangling the causal factors behind the many crises we face today, the trail of breadcrumbs always leads to the international banking cartel which appears to have the determining influence shaping the system of governance under which our societies operate. ...
  • 2024-03-03
By David Wang (王首伟) 12.01.2024 The US alliance strategy and “de-sinization” policy, as well as the EU’s “de-risking” policy, will intensify the dualization of the international system, and even trigger earthquakes and turbulence in the process of structur ...
  • 2024-01-12

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